Photo of javier minguez Spain

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CURRICULUM Born March 9, 1954 in Pinar de Antequera, a natural coming soon to the city of Valladolid. at a very young age and with great ease drew the pictures of the pub-lications children. During the period of study at school recibivarios awards in the activities of specialized oil painting, acrylic painting and drawing. In Paris has received the prize in watercolor and 2 gold laurel in the SPRING FAIR SPACE Feauvour Rue...

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CURRICULUM Born March 9, 1954 in Pinar de Antequera, a natural coming soon to the city of Valladolid. at a very young age and with great ease drew the pictures of the pub-lications children. During the period of study at school recibivarios awards in the activities of specialized oil painting, acrylic painting and drawing. In Paris has received the prize in watercolor and 2 gold laurel in the SPRING FAIR SPACE Feauvour Rue Beaujon in St Honor. Comenzsu pictorial journey in the year 1963. Had 9 years old and was when he made his early works. Empezpintando to read and to do preparing their own racks and cloth and gathered information from people and places most unsuspected, Chad does not exist in this little still many cultural and educational spaces in which to develop this work although there are some professionals and we situabamos Histri-cally speaking, in the famous 60 years, with all that that represents cul-tural level, although not directly afecttan us as it did in France. It grew into a playground named in Valladolid Circle Casino Campestre place dedicated as the name suggests it to play and rest. Here the high bourgeois summered there Valladolid and people of different types and personalities interacted afectaciny screan some sociocultural complexity. This environment is no doubt in his third minafectndole pictorial formation. It is in the high school years when the fondness for the painting begins to take place mainly in the course emphasizing drawing, being center of attention of teachers and students and beginning to reap the rewards to be had . During the time that school formation Durl copy is dedicated to famous painters, painted with three colors, which helps develop your technique and get a color purity and strength of which he considered important. During this little infor-mars start of specialized books and knew some famous painters who helped him with advice. In this Crculo recreational where I grew, his parents ran a small business so that the tables would finish the exposed face to the public and what they took from their sale would buy ms paints and brushes. Also in this little area, lizlas illustrations for a book and gantres poster contest prizes. In January 1985 when the first exhibition of watercolors realizsu an important acceptance dilugar AFTER a series of exhibitions of watercolors also where that acceptance was consolidated. The figurative style is employed in this first stage in the Castilian landscape in question and which gives a special importance to space light and color. In fall 1991 Art Plastique contact API In-ternational, association with artistic representations throughout the world and distributes his paintings in various exhibitions throughout France this stage ends in Ma-yo 1993. After his painting evolucionhacia the positivist abstraction, which in a co-ning were figurative landscapes with special attention the way and light, siguievolu-viding into harmonic sets in which the central object table in a complex cosmognico relocates these figures that try to give you the perfect harmony and balance are the real object of art in itself. Its ubiquity is the paradigm essential cultural artistic complex in its historical evolution, liberalizndolo their usual environment and introducindolo in a harmonic empiricism that forms the basis of all art future is what Positivism is called harmonic teeth. The location with the part and the whole was not as complete as had thought at first with so-nal ply figurative style which focused sintms picking up as the preocupacin by color, shape and without forgetting the subjectivity inherent in all pictorial work. RATIO OF TOTAL EXPOSURES popular Savings Valladolid -11 to 26 January (1985) Velazquez Galera Valladolid - May 1986 Caja de Ahorros Provincial November 1987 Medina del Campo Valladolid Galera Olenka January 1989 Valladolid Spain Fund in January 1991 First exhibition in October 1991 Paris Salon Artistique Bois Colombes 91 - October 1991 Paris Autumn Salon in Paris in November 1992 Puteaux April 1992 Bordeaux International Consulaire Chambre Paris Nice in January 1993 March 1993 Troisieme Espace Beaujon Paris Printemps Salon in January 1993 two aquarium-related prize gold laurel Antibes Cannes March 1993 April 1993 Embassy Spain in Paris April 1993 May 1993 Exhibition Vallauris artistic heritage of the University of Valladolid Castilla Galera May 1995 March 1997 _ Valladolid Crculo Box Catholic Burgos Oviedo February 1999 April 2001 Board Room BBVA BBVA Valladolid from 28 March to 12 April 2005 GROUP SHOWS WITH THE ASSOCIATION OF WATERCOLORS OF CASTILLA AND LEON Mucientes Ampudia June 2002 - September La Alberca - Salamanca from May 14 to June 14, 2005 2002 Cubillas de Santa Marta Valladolid CAJACIRCULO Board in September 2003 from 22 March to 3 April 2005

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